================================================== v.4.14 19 November, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [fix] case no category for listing [02] [fix] use ternary for last photo id [03] [improve] improve get_listing_link function [04] [fix] link to create listing in jumbotron mode [05] [improve] search by state option [06] [improve] update leaflet providers to include TomTom support [07] [fix] deactivated listings showing [08] [fix] header logo not switching in jumbotron mode [09] [change] change default $cfg_auto_approve_listing [10] [improve] improve sitemap generation function [11] [improve] remove console log messages ================================================== v.4.13 19 October 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [improve] contact user button position [02] [improve] navbar homepage jumping on scroll [03] [fix] modal plans populated with modal pictures content ================================================== v.4.12 7 October, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [update] update prevent direct access array with newly created files [02] [fix] hybridauth uses curly braces for arrays which are deprecated in PHP 7.4 [03] [improve] improve rotation function [04] [fix] used e() function when trim() was intended [05] [improve] show rounded logo thumbnail on edit listing [06] [improve] set is_tpl_listing before calling listing.php [07] [fix] fix pagination when manually linking to /results without params [08] [improve] add label to required and searchable checkboxes [09] [update] update select2 i18n to 4.0.8 [10] [improve] jumbotron switcher [11] [fix] undefined index sort [12] [improve] check cgf_max_dist_unit ================================================== v.4.11 21 August, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [fix] special characters being converted to entities before explode [02] [fix] duplicate custom field id and value in rel_listing_custom_fields table [03] [fix] check emptiness [04] [fix] navbar adjustment on homepage ================================================== v.4.10 9 August, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [improve] from and to placeholders for custom field filters [02] [improve] add cors redirect [03] [improve] add jumbotron to homepage ================================================== v.4.09 17 July, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [improve] show check mark for features custom fields [02] [fix] fix listings counter and display [03] [improve] remove unused console messages [04] [improve] improve post max size limit handling [05] [fix] use main cat id and slug in get_listing_link call [06] [fix] latest listing showing multiple times [07] [fix] custom fields range numeric search [08] [improve] revert auto populate city input with geolocation info [09] [improve] remove geolocation code from head template file [10] [fix] admin listings [11] [improve] add nearby filter [12] [fix] category names on homepage not showing set language [13] [improve] install script deletes the db-updater file ================================================== v.4.08 4 July, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [fix] cancel previous ajax request to avoid race condition (added in previous version) ================================================== v.4.07 4 July, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [improve] filter custom fields by category in admin area (added in previous version) [02] [improve] remove console.log data [03] [improve] improve custom fields display [04] [fix] send message to listing owner ================================================== v.4.06 30 June, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [improve] move sitemap code before commit code [02] [improve] cfg_thousands_sep not being set [03] [improve] move sitemap code before commit [04] [improve] change e() function to allow html comment tags [05] [improve] hide path in error and exception handler functions [06] [improve] show phone number in contact user modal [07] [improve] removed unused hardcoded hero image [08] [fix] undefined row index 'best_photo' [09] [improve] move rating hints inline with the stars [10] [improve] duplicate id listing_id [11] [fix] category slug appending counter on edit [12] [improve] create new tab 'Map' in site settings area [13] [improve] admin listings page sort search results [14] [improve] improvements to get_listing_link() function [15] [feature] configurable permalink structure [16] [fix] custom fields icons displaying as html entities [17] [improve] remove reload after hide.bs.modal event to prevent Firefox bug [18] [improve] if custom field name has no translation, display blank field [19] [fix] custom fields translation on results page [20] [improve] append city id in cat_link if exists [21] [improve] remove NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER from common.inc.php [22] [improve] set smtp encryption option as parameter [23] [improve] when fewer than 3 plans existing, adjust plan box display [24] [improve] additional token check [25] [improve] remove legacy language code [26] [improve] add videoHeight property [27] [improve] move slide buttons to .owl-stage-outer to correct vertical position [28] [improve] create language string functionality [29] [improve] load language strings alphabetically [30] [improve] change short description column to text [31] [improve] select template submit on change [32] [improve] UI adjustments [33] [improve] email templates subscr_eot [34] [improve] remove slug requirement for category creation [35] [improve] use nl2br for multiline custom fields [36] [fix] favorites code missing [37] [fix] show subcategory links in sidebar [38] [improve] create language public/results vars [39] [improve] remove duplicate contact user modal [40] [improve] adjustments [41] [improve] remove search from url parameters when empty [42] [fix] duplicate json_encode($response) that could cause error on upload [43] [improve] remove old txt language definition [44] [improve] select2 display styles [45] [fix] fix query constructor $having instead of $price_filter in group by ~#1196 [46] [improve] remove unused category_id_hidden hidden input [47] [improve] async admin notification to make create/edit listing faster [48] [improve] move title field to top [49] [improve] if listing id is empty, redirect to user dashboard [50] [improve] approve user in admin area [51] [fix] remove function scope for map and rearrange code [52] [improve] rearrange code [53] [fix] avoid possible duplicate custom fields by using field id as array key [54] [feature] multiple categories per listing [55] [improve] profile image style change [56] [fix] child template check basename to prevent reloading itself [57] [improve] improve geolocation support [58] [improve] option to disable maps [59] [improve] change get listed button [60] [improve] cursor pointer to upload category image button [61] [improve] whatsapp area code not required [62] [improve] filter custom fields by category in admin area ================================================== v.4.05 17 May, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [improve] show only active plans if is admin [02] [improve] only show pages with status > -1 [03] [improve] delete page from database [04] [fix] check number of config languages [05] [fix] custom fields translation on results page [06] [fix] translation_cf table missing in classifiedsplus.sql [07] [improve] remove AUTO_INCREMENT value for table language [08] [fix] add txt_agree_tos string to sql install file and lang sql files [09] [improve] remove id column from dumped data for language table [10] [improve] remove pt language from sql install and update files [11] [fix] include txt_agree_tos in db-updater file ================================================== v.4.04 30 Apr, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [fix] undefined $this_tooltip [02] [improve] validate plan credits value ================================================== v.4.03 22 Feb, 2020 ================================================== [00] [update] change version [01] [fix] display cats by cat_order [02] [fix] array to string error (removed data-checked attribute) [03] [improve] show translated custom fields [04] [improve] duplicate element id "phone" and "area_code" [05] [fix] $canonical defined wrong [06] [fix] single quotes issue [07] [fix] fix show_menu() function [08] [improve] improve exception handler function [09] [improve] safari doesn't support input type date, so add placeholder [10] [improve] remove image dimensions from TinyMCE settings [11] [improve] set default subject for contact listing owner form (message doesn't get sent when the subject is empty) [12] [fix] check basename [13] [improve] add more leaflet features to tomtom maps [14] [fix] don't filter out +1 in phone number [15] [fix] Show error message when non-image file is uploaded [16] [improve] move interface text to database [17] [improve] add auto-increment to language.id column [18] [improve] honeypot in sign-up form [19] [improve] adjustment to admin menu [20] [improve] header and footer translation [21] [improve] add rounded class to logo upload image tag [22] [improve] maintenance mode adjustments [23] [fix] character encoding issues [24] [improve] change $cfg_show_custom_fields_icons = false to true [25] [improve] remove unnecessary userid definition [26] [fix] test if route is set [27] [improve] label clickable [28] [fix] raty hints [29] [improve] multilanguage support for custom fields [30] [improve] add more leaflet features to tomtom maps [31] [improve] change order by from submission date to place_id [32] [update] db updater file